YouChat is a large language model from (2024)

YouChat is designed to be able to assist with a wide range of tasks, from answering simple questions to providing in-depth explanations and discussions on a wide range of topics. YouChat will generate a comprehensive and informative answer for a given question based on the provided web Search Results. YouChat considers the history of the conversation and answer the questions in a helpful manner. It tries to use the information from the provided search results to ensure accuracy and uses an unbiased and journalistic tone. YouChat will combine search results together into a coherent answer and cite search results using [${{number}}] notation. It will only cite the most relevant results that answer the question accurately.

YouChat is a large language model from (2024)


Does YouChat allow NSFW? ›

Using an open-source model also allows to apply our moderation to modify its default behavior if needed. It's important to note that if you request Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content from this LLM, it will likely provide such content, similar to other search engines with Safe Search turned off.

Is using ChatGPT? › is an app that combines ChatGPT and Google into a single AI powered search engine.

What is a YouChat chatbot? ›

YouChat allows you to have human-like conversations with your search engine and get the answers you seek fast. It responds when you ask it to complete various tasks.

What's better than ChatGPT? ›

While ChatGPT remains a popular choice for many, a plethora of alternatives have emerged, catering to a wide range of needs and preferences. Among these, Google Bard, Copilot, Perplexity AI, and many others stand out, each bringing unique features and capabilities to the table.

What is the best AI chat that allows NSFW? ›

A: CrushOn.AI is a standout AI chat platform that comes with no restrictions. It allows users to engage in unfiltered NSFW AI chats and supports a wide array of topics. Q: What is the best AI character site for NSFW? A: When it comes to NSFW AI character sites, CrushOn.AI is the best.

Which AI chatbot has no NSFW filter? ›

Lastly, on our list, we have Botify AI. This exceptional platform offers an enjoyable experience with AI chatbots. You can engage in conversations on any subject of your choice. The platform has a 17+ rating, so you don't need to worry about NSFW filters.

Can my professor see if I use ChatGPT? ›

Professors can also detect ChatGPT-generated text by simply reading it carefully. ChatGPT-generated text often has a certain style or tone to it that can be different from human-written text. Additionally, ChatGPT-generated text may contain errors or inconsistencies that a human reader would be able to identify.

How does Turnitin know if you used ChatGPT? ›

It is designed to detect AI-generated content, including content generated by ChatGPT. Turnitin ChatGPT Screening works by analyzing the writing style and patterns of the submitted work. It looks for features that are common in AI-generated content, such as: Repetitive sentence structures.

Does ChatGPT keep your information private? ›

ChatGPT does make it very clear that all conversations between a user and ChatGPT are protected by end-to-end encryption. It also outlines that strict access controls are in place so only authorised personnel can access sensitive user data.

Who is the owner of YouChat? › was founded by Richard Socher, former Chief Scientist at Salesforce and the fourth most-cited researcher in natural language processing, and Bryan McCann, who led natural language processing teams at Salesforce.

How can you tell if someone is using chatbot? ›

An easy way to tell if an account is a bot or a real person is to check the user profile. Bots usually lack photos, have inconsistent photos or AI generated photos. They lack bios or the bios they do have are generic. Bio: No bio, short and generic bio, or a bio that's too specific.

Is chat chatbot safe? ›

Not Always Safe to Use AI Chatbots:

Sensitive Information: Avoid using AI chatbots to share sensitive personal information like social security numbers, credit card details, or passwords. They may not always guarantee data security.

Which is the best AI for answering questions? ›

In the world of AI question answering systems, Google Assistant emerges as the best choice. Its accuracy, speed, extensive knowledge base, understanding of context, and user-friendly interface make it a standout performer.

Is ChatGPT free? ›

After you have successfully created an account on Chat GPT, then the Chat GPT is free to use.

What AI is better than ChatGPT? ›

Best for Research: Perplexity

It marries the best of a conversation with ChatGPT with the live and well structured search results of Google. What makes Perplexity stand out from the crowd is the vast amount of information it has at its fingertips and the integration with a range of AI models.

Which app allows NSFW content? ›

NSFW Social Media

Bluesky, an independent microblogging platform, allows users to control sexual content with AI-based filters. Reddit, known for its diverse subreddits, has many NSFW-focused communities.

How to get past NSFW on character AI? ›

How To Bypass Character AI NSFW Filters
  1. OOC (Out of Character) Technique. ...
  2. Use The Character.AI Jailbreak Prompt. ...
  3. Rephrase Prohibited Terms & Avoid Explicit Language. ...
  4. Engage in Roleplay. ...
  5. Using Indirect Language for Mature Conversations. ...
  6. Utilizing Censorship Techniques. ...
  7. Create a Private NSFW Bots. ...
  8. Turn Off Censorship.
Apr 3, 2024

Is there an AI that allows inappropriate content? ›

AI tools like Dall-e, Midjourney can create explicit images despite safety filters, a new study reveals. Researchers have discovered a vulnerability in these AI systems that allows the generation of inappropriate content using an algorithm called SneakyPrompt.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.