Powerful Morning Prayer Points to Start Your Day with God (2024)

How you start your day matters! Praying first thing in the morning helps you soak in God’s goodness and reminds you of His perfect love. Morning prayer is a powerful way to set the tone of your heart and keep your eyes on Jesus all day long. These meaningful morning prayer points will help you savor God’s new mercies as your day unfolds.

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Powerful Morning Prayer Points to Start Your Day with God (1)

What is Morning Prayer?

As a child of God, prayer should be a cornerstone in our life and the benefits of prayer can have a profound impact on your life.

Yet often our prayer life is nothing more than a “popcorn prayer”, where we spend a couple of seconds asking for help in the middle of a struggle. (I’ve been so guilty of this!)

But we can’t grow our relationship with God without meaningful prayer or foster a deep connection to our Heavenly Father without time in His presence.

Think of a marriage where a husband and wife only speak to each other in a couple of short sentences a few times a day. That marriage probably will struggle to understand and really know each other, right?

As it turns out, we need regular conversations and fellowship to build relationships. And the same is true of our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Morning prayer is when we set aside time to speak with God in the morning and seek Him first before the busyness of the day.

And it can have a profound impact on your life, too.

Powerful Morning Prayer Points to Start Your Day with God (2)

Benefits of Morning Prayer

Starting the day with morning prayer impacts your mindset and radically shapes your thoughts as the day unfolds.

Morning prayer gives us the opportunity to center our minds on Christ and keep Jesus as the focus for our life.

Then, when we’re faced with the frustrating, annoying, and sometimes petty issues of life, we can endure anchored to God’s truth.

Even our attitudes towards others can be filled with compassion when we start our day talking to God.

In the presence of God is where we rest in His perfect peace and He replenishes our weary soul.

When we carve out time to be still before the Lord, we discover true joy and are filled with the strength to press on in His name.

Powerful Morning Prayer Points to Start Your Day with God (3)

What are prayer points and how to use them effectively?

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all be like Moses, and climb the mountain to pray?

In the Old Testament, he spent forty days on Mt. Sinai, talking with God. When he came down, his face was literally glowing from the experience.

Unfortunately, that’s just not the case for most of us. We generally have a finite time to spend in prayer, and we certainly want to make every moment count!

That’s where prayer points (aka- prayer prompts) come in handy.

Prayer points are the beginning of a prayer or an idea for prayer, in which you add to it as the Holy Spirit leads. (Kind of like a “fill in the blank” prayer!)

Morning prayer points help you:

  • Stay focused during your prayer time
  • Pray intercessory prayers for those in your life
  • Journal your prayers (psst… these make fabulous prayer journal prompts, too!)
  • Cultivate a heart of gratitude to the Lord
  • Go deeper in your prayer life and inspire you to pray for things you may not have in the past
  • Jump start your prayers when the words just won’t come

While prayer points can lead you to a thriving prayer life, it doesn’t mean your prayers become rote. It certainly is not about the words you speak or about following a certain ritual as you pray.

Instead, using prayer prompts creates a framework so that you can make the most of your time in the presence of God.

It’s a perfect way to connect with God when you feel spiritually stuck or as a beginner who feels intimidated by prayer, too.

Powerful Morning Prayer Points to Start Your Day with God (4)

Meaningful Morning Prayer Topics to Consider

Now that you’re aware how morning prayer points can enhance your conversations with God, let’s explore the variety of ways they can be used.

There are several different prayer methods you may want to try as you start using prompts on your own.

Here are a few morning prayer points to consider:

ACTS Prayer Points

Using the ACTS method is a great way to start cultivating a daily prayer life. It’s a simple outline that will help you organize your prayers.


In the model prayer that Jesus taught His disciples in Matthew 6, He began with adoration for His Father.

“Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.” Mathew 6:9

Use the first few moments of your prayer time to recognize Who God is, and all that He has done. (This is different from thanksgiving, which comes a little later.)


Confession is an essential part of our prayer life. The Bible tells us that our sins separate us from God so that He cannot hear us. (Isaiah 59:2) Before we pray, we should make sure we have a clean heart and have confessed our sins to God.


Don’t forget to thank God for the prayers He has already answered and the blessings He has given you. God loves to hear us give Him praise and show gratitude for all He’s done.


We often think that the purpose of prayer is to ask God for things. But that’s not exactly true. Of course, we have needs and wants, and God wants us to bring those things to Him.

But the act of supplication (asking God for things) should not be the main focus of our prayers. Building a relationship with God should be based on more than just asking Him to meet our needs.

Powerful Morning Prayer Points to Start Your Day with God (5)

Intercessory Prayers

Intercessory prayers are those we pray on behalf of others. All of us have friends and family who have needs that only God can meet. Through intercessory prayer, we can pray that God will help them in a mighty way and move according to His will.


We often have an inside view of the needs of our family members, whether it’s parents, siblings, or children. Praying for your marriage and children are some of the most important types of intercessory prayers to pray.


Just like your family, your friends often share needs and burdens with you that others might not know. It’s easy to take these burdens on yourself and worry and fret. But it’s much better to take them to your Heavenly Father in prayer!


It’s no secret that our world is plagued by health problems. Perhaps you know someone who is facing health issues, or maybe you are suffering yourself. Taking these health needs to God is a powerful way to seek peace and healing.


Ah, money. Financial issues can be a real burden in our lives. Interceding for yourself or others who are facing money problems may seem trivial, but God cares about all your needs. He wants to hear you pray and ultimately trust Him to provide for your needs.

Powerful Morning Prayer Points to Start Your Day with God (6)

Scripture Prayer Points

There is nothing more powerful than praying Scripture. It’s helpful to know what God says about the topics that are burdening your heart.

To pray Scripture, start by reading the verse or passage several times aloud (in your heart works, too). Make sure you know the meaning and message of this passage. You may want to do a quick Bible study on this verse(s) if you’re not familiar with it.

Then, as you read it for the last time, speak the Scripture back to God as you pray. Feel free to add in the names and details of the situation you’re praying for as you pray the verse.

For example, I often pray Psalm 16:8 in times of stress and overwhelm. I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

My Scripture prayer goes something like this:


I am overwhelmed and anxious right now. Help me to remember that because I have trusted in you, I don’t have to fear. Right now, I cling to the fact that I “have set you always before me; and because you’re at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” Your words bring comfort, hope, and life to me right now. Help me to lean into you for strength and endurance. Amen.

Now it’s your turn!

Use these Scripture prayer ideas the next time you’re struggling or as a simple morning prayer point:

Bible verses on relying on God

Scriptures for hope in hardship

Bible verses for the hurting heart

Standing firm in Christ: Bible verses for being steadfast

Overcoming stress, worry, and anxiety Scriptures

Bible verses on depression

Uncovering God’s plan for your life: Scriptures about God’s plan for you

Bible verses about surrender: How to let go and let God move

Powerful Morning Prayer Points to Start Your Day with God (7)

Prayers for Spiritual Growth

There are times in our lives when we may see ourselves lacking in one or more areas in regards to our relationship with the Lord. In these situations, we can ask God to help us grow stronger in these areas.

Pray for the Lord to refine you in His image.

We know that Jesus lived a perfect life, and our goal should always be to become more like Him. (Even though we know perfection isn’t possible.)

Pray for the Lord to make the rough places of your character smooth and stand on the victory of Christ to grow you in His image.

The Prayer of Faith

The Bible tells us that the prayer of a righteous person is important. It matters.

Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:13-16

Prayer exercises and grows our faith. Spend time at the feet of Jesus asking Him to grow you into the woman of faith you long to be.

Daily Gratitude

Do you spend time reflecting on God’s goodness and remembering the ways He’s blessed you?

Sure, it’s easy to praise God when all is right with the world and life is going our way.

But it’s just as important to remember God’s faithfulness when life feels heavy and impossible.

That’s where a daily gratitude habit comes in.

Taking time to pray morning prayer points of gratitude is essential to ward off discontent and apathy in our Christian lives.

Prayers for Your Walk with God

As a woman of faith, you long for a close walk with God. Having a deep, meaningful relationship with God doesn’t happen by accident. You will need to be intentional, and making that relationship a matter of daily prayer is vital in your Christian walk.

For your attitude and heart.

The Bible says the things that are in our heart matter. A lot.

“…for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.” Luke 6:45.

Regularly pray that the Lord will help you to have a clean, pure heart, because that’s where your attitude and actions come from.

To honor God with your time, habits and talents.

Time is a finite resource, but sometimes it feels like we have a lot of it. So, it’s easy to waste it. And the more we waste, the more wasting time becomes a habit.

That’s how we get off track from living on-mission for the glory of God. But you don’t have to stay stuck in this area.

Surrender your time, life, and daily habits back to the Lord. Ask Him to help you honor Him with every part of your life and to make you mindful of how you spend your time.

Live on purpose as a woman of God.

As a woman of God, you were created on purpose and for a purpose. But sometimes we lose vision of what God is calling us to do in our life.

If you find yourself wandering aimlessly, pray for God to help you live purposefully for Him. It’s easy to get sidetracked and focus on things that don’t serve Him well.

Ask the Lord to help you live for His glory and to be a Kingdom minded woman with eternity on her mind.

Powerful Morning Prayer Points to Start Your Day with God (8)

50 Powerful Morning Prayer Points

Now that we’ve discussed the reason and benefits of using morning prayer points to organize your prayer time, let’s get down to the practical part.

Here are a few ideas to try in your own prayer time or as Christian journal prompts.

ACTS Prayer Points

  • God, You are awesome and all-powerful. I praise You for Your goodness.
  • Lord, Your name is holy, and I worship You.
  • I see that I am a sinful person, and not worthy of Your love.
  • Father, I ask that You forgive me for these sins I have committed against You_______.
  • Thank You for loving me, and sending Your Son to die for me.
  • I praise you, Lord, for the gift of salvation.
  • Thank You for these blessings You have given me, including_________.
  • You know the needs of my heart, but today I’m bringing _________ to You specifically to ask for your help.
  • Please help me as I __________.
  • Give me grace today as I face this challenge _________.

Intercessory Prayer Points

  • I pray for my children that You will help them to________.
  • Please bless my husband as he________.
  • I ask that my lost family member will see their need for You, turn to You and be saved.
  • I pray for ________, today as she/he is facing _______ in her life.
  • Please give grace and peace to _________in the situation she is facing.
  • Lord, I know that you love _______, and You see the health struggle she is facing. Please give her peace, and bring healing as You see fit.
  • ________ mentioned that she has a doctor’s appointment today. Please give her doctors wisdom to know the treatment or medicine that she needs.
  • So many in our church are battling disease, including _____. Please touch them and heal them according to your perfect will.
  • I know that ________ just lost his/her job. Please help him/her to find a new job quickly, and meet their needs while they wait.
  • Please bless ______, in the financial difficulties they are facing right now.

Powerful Morning Prayer Points to Start Your Day with God (9)

Scripture Prayer Points

Use these verses to claim these promises of God and proclaim God’s victory in your life.

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18-Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
  • Proverbs 3:5-6- Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
  • Psalm 91:1He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
  • Philippians 4:8–Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
  • Psalm 39:12-Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears: for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were.
  • 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
  • Mathew 6:13-And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
  • 1 Peter 5:7-Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Prayer Points for Spiritual Growth

  • Help me to become more like You in this area of my life…
  • Lord, I am struggling with ________, and I ask You to help me give it up.
  • Today, I give You praise for all You’ve done for me!
  • Strengthen me today and help me to have faith in You.
  • I know that I sinned against you when I _________. Please forgive me and help me to not sin against You.
  • Today I recognize Your blessings in my life, and I thank Your for_________.
  • Even though I am going through a hard time right now, I am surrounded by your comfort and strength.
  • Lord, help me to renew my mind with your truth, especially in the area of ____
  • God, help me to stand firm against temptation, especially in the area of ____…
  • Lord, I surrender my life to you, especially the areas of ____…
  • Help me to make my quiet time a priority. My stumbling blocks include____…

Prayers for Your Life as a Woman of God

  • Help me to keep my heart clean and pure before You.
  • Protect me from influences that would turn me from serving you.
  • Help my attitude to be one of kindness, and help me not to be hurtful to others.
  • Show me how to use my time and talents for You.
  • Help me to fill my life with healthy habits that honor You.
  • Thank you for giving me the talent of _______. Help me to use it for Your glory.
  • Help me to recognize when I’m wasting time on things that don’t matter in eternity.
  • I dedicate my life to You to serve You wherever You lead.
  • Help me to be intentional today in the choices I make.
  • I pray that my words would speak life to others, and that I would reflect Your love and grace.

Powerful Morning Prayer Points to Start Your Day with God (10)

Next steps for a thriving morning prayer time

Now that you have your morning prayer points, it’s time to start praying! Use these prompts as a starting point for deep, meaningful prayers. Grab your the complete list of morning prayer points here to make this a staple in your quiet time.

Powerful Morning Prayer Points to Start Your Day with God (11)

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to pray. You may find that one method of praying works better for your personality. Or, you may find that your needs change and your prayers change.

Not all morning prayer times are the same, but never stop seeking God’s face. God hears you, and He will answer in His perfect timing.

Sure, here's a breakdown of the concepts and elements mentioned in the article on morning prayer:

  1. Morning Prayer: Starting the day with prayer is emphasized, highlighting its impact on mindset, thought processes, and overall attitude throughout the day. The focus is on having meaningful conversations with God and setting aside time to be in His presence.

  2. Benefits of Morning Prayer: It is described as a way to center thoughts on Christ, endure life's challenges with God's truth, cultivate compassion, experience peace, find joy, and gain strength.

  3. Prayer Points: These are used to structure and guide prayers, acting as prompts to stay focused, pray for others, cultivate gratitude, deepen one's prayer life, and jump-start prayers when feeling stuck.

  4. ACTS Method: This stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication, providing an outline to organize prayers. It's a simple structure to recognize God's greatness, confess sins, express gratitude, and present requests.

  5. Intercessory Prayers: Prayers offered on behalf of others, including family, friends, health, and finances, focusing on lifting up specific needs and concerns to God.

  6. Scripture Prayer Points: Using biblical verses as the foundation for prayers, proclaiming God's promises, seeking guidance, finding hope, and drawing strength from the Word of God.

  7. Prayers for Spiritual Growth: Seeking refinement, aligning with God's will, growing in faith, and developing a deeper relationship with God through prayer.

  8. Daily Gratitude: Acknowledging and appreciating God's goodness, regardless of life's circ*mstances, to maintain a grateful heart.

  9. Prayers for Your Walk with God: Specific prayers for attitudes, time management, purposeful living, and a close relationship with God.

  10. Morning Prayer Point Examples: Specific prayer points are provided under various categories like ACTS, Intercessory Prayers, Scripture Prayer Points, Prayers for Spiritual Growth, and Prayers for Your Life as a Woman of God. These examples cover various aspects to pray for, providing a structured approach to morning prayer.

Each section in the article provides guidance and practical suggestions to enrich morning prayer time, encouraging a deeper and more intentional connection with God.

Powerful Morning Prayer Points to Start Your Day with God (2024)


What is the powerful morning prayer to start your day with God? ›

Lord, thank You for this day. I ask that You would guide my path today and, more specifically, my thoughts, words and actions. Please be with me throughout the day and help me navigate whatever comes my way. Most importantly, help me to reflect and live out my life in a way that is honoring to You.

What is the powerful prayer that never fails? ›

The most effective, prayer, the one that is always answered is this: ""Father, glorify Your name. "" ""Answer my cry, O Lord, in a way that will accomplish Your will, for Your will is good, acceptable, and perfect. It is best for You and therefore, best for me and any others who may be affected by this prayer.

What is the miracle prayer in the morning? ›

I invite you into my life, Jesus. I accept you as my Lord, God and Savior. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul, and spirit. Come Lord Jesus, cover me with your Precious Blood, and fill me with your Holy Spirit.

What are the three most powerful prayers in the morning? ›

These three powerful morning prayers are the prayers of thanksgiving, the Lord's Prayer, and the prayer of Jabez. Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, the Bible tells us to enter his gates with thanksgiving, and Jabez prayed to God and God granted him his request.

How do you thank God every morning? ›

Morning prayer offerings

Heavenly Father, thank you for creating me. I am a Christian, and I am grateful to have this day. My actions for this day are offered to You, the Holy one. May they all work to Your greater glory and in accord with Your holy Will.

How do you put God first in the morning? ›

5 Ways to Put God First
  1. Start each day in the Word. This can feel like a huge sacrifice, but giving the first moments of your day to God communicates that you value your relationship with Him. ...
  2. Pray and give thanks daily. ...
  3. Be obedient. ...
  4. Get involved in community. ...
  5. Rest in the Lord.
Feb 1, 2024

What prayer does God always answer? ›

Pray like the psalmist: “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing” (Psalm 143:10, NLT). Though you may not always feel His hand holding yours, God will always answer when you ask Him to lead you.

What is the shortest most powerful prayer? ›

Perhaps the shortest and most powerful prayer in human language is help. —FATHER THOMAS KEATING A hardness we can't see, cold and rigid, begins to form between us and the world, the longer we stay silent about what we need.

What is the hardest prayer you will ever pray? ›

We will never be able to pray “your will be done” unless we are certain that we can trust Him. You might be asking, how can I be sure God is trustworthy? Why would I want His will above my own?

How do I pray to God every morning? ›

Dear Lord, This morning as I contemplate a new day, I ask you to help me. I want to be aware of your spirit—leading me in the decisions I take, the conversations I have, and the work I do. I want to be more like you, Jesus, as I relate to the people I meet today—friends or strangers.

What is a powerful Bible verse for morning prayer? ›

King David set the example in Psalm 5:3, “In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.” And yet, with thoughts of yesterday holding us back, questions of today pressing in, and fears of tomorrow looming over, we can find it difficult to arrange our ...

What is the first morning prayer? ›

Prayer to Begin Each Day

Lord, I so wish to prepare well for this time. I so want to make all of me ready and attentive and available to you. Please help me clarify and purify my intentions.

What is the powerful morning prayer for protection? ›

May the eye of God look before me, the ear of God hear me, the word of God speak for me. May the hand of God protect me, the way of God lie before me, the shield of God defend me, the host of God save me.

What is todays daily prayer? ›

Today's Daily Prayer

Lord our God, help us in these days that are so difficult for us. Help us never to lose our expectation of the time that is to come, the time of Jesus Christ, Lord of heaven and earth.

What is the powerful morning prayer for my family? ›

O Lord, our heavenly Father, almighty and everlasting God, you have brought us safely to the beginning of this day: Defend us by your mighty power, that we may not fall into sin nor run into any danger; and that, guided by your Spirit, we may do what is righteous in your sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Which powerful psalm is for morning prayer? ›

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil; with you the wicked cannot dwell. The arrogant cannot stand in your presence; you hate all who do wrong.

What is the morning prayer for God's protection? ›

May the eye of God look before me, the ear of God hear me, the word of God speak for me. May the hand of God protect me, the way of God lie before me, the shield of God defend me, the host of God save me.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.