20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (2024)

We've all heard the stories of body builders eating extreme amounts of protein to build muscle. But protein is an essential part of your diet, even if you aren't looking to bulk up. To ensure you're getting enough, try one of these high-protein recipes.

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The Protein 411

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (1)

Protein helps to maintain lean muscle, grow and repair all cells in your body, and regulate your appetite, according to Erin Palinski-Wade, R.D., C.D.E., the author of Belly Fat Diet for Dummies. On average, active women need about half a gram of protein per pound of body weight every day (so an active 140-pound woman would need 70 grams of protein). One way to meet this goal is to include a source of protein at every meal. A high-protein meal would have 25 percent of its calories coming from protein.

Plant-based protein: Beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, quinoa, amaranth

Animal protein: Eggs, low-fat dairy, white meat poultry, lean beef, pork loin, fish

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Lentils and Amaranth Patties

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (2)

Amaranth is a gluten-free ancient grain. And Palinski-Wade says it's a great source of protein. Mix with lentils, like in this recipe, for the perfect protein-packed lunch.

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Zucchini Boat Turkey Tacos

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (3)

For a healthy, high-protein meal, make tacos without the tortillas. Switch out the sour cream for plain, nonfat Greek yogurt to up the protein.

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Cinnamon-Sugar Roasted Chickpeas

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (4)

Chickpeas are great mixed into salads, stews, and curries. Try them as a snack with this cinnamon-sugar version from Sally's Baking Addiction.

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Black Bean Soup

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (5)

Black beans pack a whopping 39 grams of protein per cup. Try this black bean soup from Veggie Inspired Journey for an easy, high-protein meal that's filling and super simple to make.

California Cottage Cheese Bowl

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (6)

Palinski-Wade suggests adding raw almonds or cottage cheese to each snack to help you reach your protein requirements every day. This healthy high-protein recipe pairs cottage cheese with avocado for a boost of healthy fats.

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Pumpkin Pie Yogurt

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (7)

This pumpkin spiced Greek yogurt parfait packs 19 grams of protein for under 200 calories.

What Eating the *Right* Amount of Protein Every Day Actually Looks Like

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Honey-Garlic Salmon

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (8)

Salmon is full of good-for-you omega-3s-and boasts 21 grams of protein per three-ounce serving. If you need new easy high protein recipes, try this honey garlic salmon that only requires five ingredients.

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Black Bean Lentil Salad with Cumin-Lime Dressing

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (9)

This salad is chock-full of protein from the lentils and black beans. A homemade cumin-lime dressing makes the salad taste fantastic whether you serve it hot or eat it cold the next day.

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Sweet Potato, Kale, and Shrimp Skillet

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (10)

This gluten-free recipe uses sweet potato, kale, and shrimp to make a quick high-protein weekday meal. Even better: It only uses one pan!

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Energy Bites

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (11)

Energy bites are a portable and easy way to get protein into your snacks. Pop a few post-workout-like these pumpkin and chocolate chip ones from Amy's Healthy Baking.

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Beef and Vegetable Skillet

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (12)

Have a ton of random leftover veggies? Combining them with lean ground beef makes for one of the best high-protein dinners.

Healthy High-Protein Desserts That Taste Amazing (and Feed Your Muscles!)

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Quinoa Pizza Bites

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (13)

Quinoa, the kale of the grain world, can be reinvented in every form. It's the base in these pizza bites, a high-protein meal or appetizer.

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Greek Yogurt Egg Salad Sandwich

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (14)

Egg salad gets a healthy makeover with this recipe from Damn Delicious. Eggs and Greek yogurt are both great sources of protein, meaning this sandwich will keep you full even longer.

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Chicken Broccoli Cheese Quinoa Casserole

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (15)

Chicken and quinoa are the stars of this high-protein twist on a classic casserole.

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Oatmeal Protein Pancakes

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (16)

Brunch just got even better. Cottage cheese and whole-grain oats make these protein pancakes healthier. They may become your Saturday morning staple.

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5-Ingredient Quinoa Mac and Cheese

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (17)

Mac and cheese isn't usually a go-to dish when you're trying to eat healthy–or high protein, for that matter. But this recipe uses quinoa and butternut squash for a healthy spin on the comfort classic.

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Cookie Dough Greek Yogurt

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (18)

Satisfy your sweet tooth and eat a protein-packed snack with this faux cookie dough. Bonus: No risk of salmonella!

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Peach and Mustard Glazed Pork Chops

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (19)

Pork can get a bad rep–we're looking at you bacon–when in fact it is an excellent source of protein. Choose a lean cut, like a pork loin chop, and add a fresh glaze like this recipe from Delish D'Lites.

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Edamame Feta Salad

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (20)

Edamame may look like a veggie, but the soybean is actually a protein powerhouse. This fresh salad combines fresh vegetables, feta, and edamame for a lunch that's healthy yet big on flavor.

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Sun-Dried Tomato Basil Hummus

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (21)

Chickpeas are an excellent source of protein and are a perfect snack when smashed into hummus. This tomato basil hummus would taste great with pita chips or fresh veggies.

20 High-Protein Recipes That'll Help You Build Muscle (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.